Sunday, December 20, 2009

winter visitors

have i said yet that i dont like winter? i grew up in the tropics, and i think i'm just not used to it. but birding helps me appreciate it more. there's some special birds i only get to see this time of yr.

ducks--the only ones here all yr are the mallards and the wood ducks. in the winter we get all kinds of species! and lots of mergansers and grebes and loons and gulls, etc, and the famous and adorable coot.

white-throated sparrow. popular feeder bird.

brown creeper. looks like a piece of a tree's bark!

yellow-bellied sapsucker. tamest woodpecker, and laziest.

yellow-rumped warbler. also tame. flashing yellow.

junco!!!! <3 so adorable. like theyve gotten snow all over their bellies.

and if i keep my feeder filled, i may get an unusual sighting (for me, not necessarily for the area) as a hungry bird travels thru the area, trying to stay warm these chilly months.

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