Sunday, January 10, 2010

footprints in the snow

IT SNOWED!!!! u dont understand, it never snows here in TN!

feeder activity increases! like they r hurrying to fill their bellies before an impending blizzard! its all i can do to keep the feeders full.

and all over the ground, are the tiniest, most adorable footprints!

most of the feeder birds are passerines, perching/songbirds. and their preferred method of ambulating is hopping. so lots of right/left foot marks side-by-side, then a little space, and another one. perfectly formed prints cuz theres no dragging of feet. all w/ three forward-facing toes, and one back. for perching. this is why theyre called perching birds. :)

makes me wish i lived by the ocean so i could track prints.

made a walmart run to add to my offerings at the feeder. some millet/milo/corn b/c i just had black-oil sunflower seed. some suet blocks. and some peanut butter, that i will make projects out of. if i get around to it, i will slice up some apples/oranges and string them out there too. havent had much luck w/ it in the past, but birdies r more willing to try new things when they r extra hungry. the millet/milo/corn combo was a huge hit!

birding rule #7: know when to look: 1.before a snow or during light flurries.

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