Wednesday, January 6, 2010

today i saw...

today i saw a mockingbird, perching on the nose of a reindeer, u know, the ones that sit outside and r lit up w/ christmas lights. :)

***brrrrrrr****** its cold!!!!!
i really dont know how those birdies do it! REMEMBER to keep your feeders going! the seeds r a HUGE part of the birds diet this time of yr. and try to put out some water too. i know its hard, cuz it freezes over, but thats why its needed. the natural supplies r all frozen over too! so even if u have to put out a dish for a few hrs a day, or replace it/break the ice.

birdies do stay warm! notice how cute they suddenly r? that's cuz theyre all fat. not really fat, but the feathers are all puffed out. makes like a big winter coat. [remarkably designed!!!]

birding rule #6 always, ALWAYS feed the birds. go w/o food, let your dog go w/o food, but always feed the birds! :p no, if u really have a tight budget and have to pick, feed in winter. theyre ok in summer.

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