Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I'm back; will the breeding birds ever be back?

This winter has been very cold. I live in a new place and feel like I'm far away from the birds :( I'm in a city, and my homeowners association wont let me put up any bird stuff except for on my tiny patio! Are there any birds who live in this strange urban world??? I have a secret to draw birds to my feeders, and his name is Colonel Mustard. Not the Clue character, but a budgerigar who is quite sociable. He's discovered the windows that look on the bird feeders. There's a mockingbird pair that came to investigate a block of suet during one of our uncharacteristic freezes. The male, I presume, felt threatened by Colonel Mustard's presence (on the other side of the window pane), and tried to scare him away. Colonel Mustard just wants friends, being the gregarious parrokeet whose ancestors swarmed in flocks over Australia. He didn't think the mockingbird was intmidating in the least. I have never before gotten so many close looks at mockingbirds, as they aren't interested in most feeders. Mr Mockingbird has been back every day for weeks now. My window is getting scratched up. Colonel Mustard is finally getting exercise. Or is he taunting the wild bird? I wouldn't put it past him to be a bully. He does routinely puff up his head!

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