Tuesday, March 25, 2014


We southerners keep thinking the weather will go from winter to summer! There have been several snow flurries today--it is so beautiful. The snow isn't collecting or anything, and there havn't been reports of ice on the roads. But you would think a major catastrophe had happened if you looked at my facebook feed! People are complaining about the snow, but I have a sneaking suspicion that this is normal. Apparantely we dont know our own state's weather patterns, even through decades of experience.

The birder loves a random snow flurry: it sends the birds scrambling to get seeds from the feeder! I have a couple titmice who are keeping well-fueled right now.

When the temperatures drop, birds love feeders even more than usual. Some may prefer to find their own food, but when it snows, they put those preferences aside. You can especially get some new visitors by placing high fat-content foods outside, like suet.

I guess it's equivalent to us wanting a mug of hot chocolate when we see snow!

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